Fix for - microsoft visual c++ runtime library error windows 10, which relates to program such as explorerexe, atibtmonexe or a game's exe. Download visual c++ library. The visual c++ redistributable packages install run-time components of visual c++ libraries these components are required to run c++ applications that are developed using visual studio 2015 and link dynamically to visual c++ libraries these package can be used to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have visual studio 2015.
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Download visual c++ redistributable packages for visual studio 2013 from official microsoft download center new surface laptop 3 the perfect everyday laptop is now even faster shop surface laptop 3 surface laptop 3 for business power bi transform data into actionable insights with dashboards and reports. Download microsoft visual c++ 2010 redistributable package (x86) from official microsoft download center. new surface pro 7. ultra-light and versatile. shop now. microsoft visual c++ 2010 redistributable package (x86) important! selecting a language below will dynamically change the complete page content to that language.. The visual c++ redistributable packages install run-time components of visual c++ libraries. these components are required to run c++ applications that are developed using visual studio 2015 and link dynamically to visual c++ libraries. these package can be used to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have visual studio 2015.
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