Antutu Redmi Note 4g

Here you will find information about antutu benchmark of xiaomi redmi note 4g which up to 218. What is the antutu scoring of xiaomi redmi note 5 pro 4gb 64gb (india)? v7 antutu of xiaomi redmi note 5 pro 4gb 64gb (india) is 109.692 (antutu v7) antutu better than 86% of smartphones. Antutu is a popular benchmarking app and xiaomi redmi note 4 has obtained a very respectable score in the benchmark.

Xiaomi Redmi Note Note 4g Full Review

Xiaomi redmi note note 4g full review

Beda xiaomi redmi note 3 vs redmi note 3 pro + review & skor antutu. redmi note 3 biasa memiliki jaringan 4g lte cat4 dengan kecepatan maksimal download 150.8 mbps. sedangkan redmi note 3 versi pro 4g lte cat7 dengan kecepatan maksimal download hingga 301.5 mbps. 2. beda processor redmi note 3 vs redmi note 3 pro. The xiaomi redmi note 4g is a high-end smartphone designed to exhibit top class performance in every segment. it flaunts a stunning hd display backed by a mighty snapdragon cpu with 2gb ram.. Xiaomi redmi note 5 4gb/64gb global antutu benchmark - jak

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